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Notes on happiness

Hello you, who probably accidentally stumbled on to my blog. Or hello, future me - who is hopefully reading this in hopes to just... Look back at the good ol' days, and by good ol' days I mean traumatic and depressing past which I can look back as my future self will hopefully be in a better place mentally. Let's hope. After 3 months in lockdown, my mental health have started to deteriorate. Not being able to distract myself with work and other bad decisions, I found myself in a state of emotional breakdown. Also because I've being going through a very emotional break-up that have left me with more self hatred than every before. Note: YES, it was absolutely my fault. My behaviour has been terrible, I have made terrible choices, I have hurt people- so, in the end- am I just a terrible person? My life coach told me that it was probably because I was at my breaking point emotionally, but I constantly distracted my emotions- until now. I have completely lost my marb

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